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<Two archery targets on wooden easels in a sunny, stony clearance in a forest, both with a red arrow in the middle ring bullseye representing Reproducibility. Credit> Freepik
<Round archery target with a magnifying glass over the middle confirming the arrow is absolutely central in the middle, representing Accuracy. Credit> Freepik
<Archery target on round wooden board with over 10 arrows red, blue, yellow, and green in the middle centre ring, representing Precision. Credit> Freepik
<Female hands sorting a big round jar of confectionery into 25 square clear plastic dishes arranged ina square by colour, size and shape, representing Selectivity. Credit> Freepik
<Plastic jugs of water on a desk proportionally increasing in size from one to the next, representing Linearity. Credit> Freepik
<Black porsche or ferrari on one side of the picture high performing in snow and ice on a forest track and on the other side of the picture in different conditions in darkness and rain on the motorway, representing Robustness. Credit> Freepik
<Female gymnast running down a beam above a fall mat with two other gymnasts trying to push her off with foam sticks, representing Specificity. Credit> Freepik
<Male hunter wearing wax green jacket and dark cap in an autumn forest pointing a rifle with scope at a faraway archery target on a wooden easel, representing Range and at its furthest Limit of Quantification LOQ. Credit> Freepik
<Couple looking at the night sky, with the moon behind them, through a telescope at the furthest possible star, representing Limit of Detection or LOD. Credit> Freepik

GMP-SOP-Download Drug

8.8 - Laboratory Controls - Method Validation

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All test procedures developed in house require method validation. Compendial methods taken from USP, EP or equivalent, and from accredited sources, for example AOAC,  must be verified for each sample matrix by qualified personnel. Methods requiring validation must be added to the VMP, prioritized by risk assessment

&lt;Two archery targets on wooden easels in a sunny, stony clearance in a forest, both with a red arrow in the middle ring bullseye representing Reproducibility. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Round archery target with a magnifying glass over the middle confirming the arrow is absolutely central in the middle, representing Accuracy. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Archery target on round wooden board with over 10 arrows red, blue, yellow, and green in the middle centre ring, representing Precision. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Female hands sorting a big round jar of confectionery into 25 square clear plastic dishes arranged ina square by colour, size and shape, representing Selectivity. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Plastic jugs of water on a desk proportionally increasing in size from one to the next, representing Linearity. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Black porsche or ferrari on one side of the picture high performing in snow and ice on a forest track and on the other side of the picture in different conditions in darkness and rain on the motorway, representing Robustness. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Female gymnast running down a beam above a fall mat with two other gymnasts trying to push her off with foam sticks, representing Specificity. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Male hunter wearing wax green jacket and dark cap in an autumn forest pointing a rifle with scope at a faraway archery target on a wooden easel, representing Range and at its furthest Limit of Quantification LOQ. Credit&gt; Freepik
&lt;Couple looking at the night sky, with the moon behind them, through a telescope at the furthest possible star, representing Limit of Detection or LOD. Credit&gt; Freepik